Yoni Eggs - Obsidian
Yoni Eggs - Obsidian
The Black Obsidian Yoni Egg is one of the secrets of a better energetic life. As we go through our daily lives, we pick up a tremendous amount of negative energy, in the stresses of our jobs, the news, and the simple rough-and-tumble of circumstance. The Black Obsidian Yoni Egg will absorb that force and remove it painlessly from your body, straining it out like a charcoal filter gets rid of impurities in liquid. It also helps “immunize” you, to keep negative energy out!
It likewise assists you in the difficult process of getting rid of some of the biggest sources of negativity in your life – getting rid of bad memories, mental and physical toxicity, and negative life patterns.
This is an extremely direct Yoni Egg. It doesn’t mess around. It’s unabashedly powerful (but not overpowering). Its effects can be very tangible. It can remove inner blockages, which corresponds with helping you remove things that block your path to happiness in life.
And the Obsidian Egg just ignites the sacred fire within you. It’s tremendously good at helping you claim (or reclaim) your true potential.